Last night it rained, and today sunshine twinkles on smiling plants. The soil herself feels plumped and refreshed!
night it rained, enough to fill the front garden birdbath. Soil and
plants had been thirsty, the birds, too, finishing every drop of h2o I
poured out for them all summer.
We've had such a drought, so little rain and snow
last winter, that creeks became mere trickles months ago.

Perhaps last night's rain - enough to fill the birdbath - is a good sign.
is Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year. We eat apples & honey, with
visions of sweetness for the new year. Down by the trickle of creek, we
threw bread crumbs for the birds, carrying prayers of abundant blessings and release of that which does not, or no longer, serves goodness.
* * * * * * *
In this time when suffering seems amplified across our human & the entire ecological world,

May It Be that
of one another, the need to overpower one another, human &
ecological devastation, monstrous acts of war (declared or not,
monstrous by definition), financial greed & disparity,
Be Dissolved, Transmuted,
Into the Deepest Commitment to Friendship, Mutual Caring & Support,
& Regeneration of Life.
Yes, humans are unique.
Which other species poisons its own nest, and attempts to obliterate, its own kind? Which other species on this magnificent planet, wipes out countless others - those of air, of soil, of waters and land?
While we have been engaged in all that, we also CAN & ARE ABLE to learn, and
Live In Harmony with ourselves & all of Nature.
If you agree, then DANCE! Look in Joy upon the Beauty of Nature wherever and whenever you find it! Look for it! Notice the birds and leaves and rocks and squirrels, salamanders, spiders, water and bees, little kids and their elders, and all the colors of Nature abounding around you. Let's fill & refill ourselves with the commitment to Love Life.
truly believe that by paying attention, by following Nature's
directions, by living from Our Centered Wholeness of both right &
left brain, we
Can Flourish In Nature's Flow!
With Blessings of Dancing Delight, Alisa Rose,
May all beings be well
May all beings be happy
May all beings be free